Looking for fast cash for your land or property. Let the team at Stourheath guide you ever step of the way to secure the best possible price.

    Sell your land or property - Fast

    Cash Sale - could be as quick as 7 days* | No Fees | No Obligation

    3 Lyttleton Court, Birmingham St, Halesowen, B63 3HN


    +44(0) 203 000 0000

    // Developments

    // our portfolio

    What we do

    Stour Heath’s owners have spent their careers working for main contractors and property consultants at senior levels and understand how the property and construction industry works.

    Via an extensive network, the most commercially viable and risk-free developments are sourced. Yield and GDV are always maximised within the schemes that Stour Heath put their name to.

    // property and landowners

    Joint Ventures

    If you are a property or land owner wishing to develop your assets, but do not have the time, knowledge or funds, then Stour Heath can Joint Venture with you. By tapping into a rich vein of experience and knowledge, alongside an unrivalled network, a JV with Stour Heath is ripe for success.

    We are also willing to Joint Venture with other developers on the right opportunity

    // Our Portfolio

    Areas of

    Land - with or without planning. Brown or green field
    Commercial buildings to convert to residential
    BMV Property
    BMV Property
    Below market value residential property
    BMV Houses in multiple occupation

    Want to get to know us a little better?