Looking for fast cash for your land or property. Let the team at Stourheath guide you ever step of the way to secure the best possible price.

    Sell your land or property - Fast

    Cash Sale - could be as quick as 7 days* | No Fees | No Obligation

    3 Lyttleton Court, Birmingham St, Halesowen, B63 3HN


    +44(0) 203 000 0000

    // Consultancy

    // Property Consultancy

    Your Partner for
    Advisory and Consulting

    Stour Heath’s Advisory and Consultancy service offers more than fourty years of combined market experience across a wide range of projects across the UK. The team combines in-depth understanding of market trends, requirements and opportunities with innovative strategies for problem solving. With extensive experience in a disruptive market, Stour Heath can act as your Development or Project Manager or provide advice on a macro or micro level within areas such as:


    We can produce a detailed assessment of your development opportunities or validate yours.

    Value Engineering

    Rationalise designs to omit cost with out compromising the development and maximising margin


    Full tendering and procurement of contractors to build out your development

    Cost Plans

    Fully detailed and benchmarked cost plans produced for the construction of your development.

    Commercial Management

    Full range of QS services including measurement, contract negotiations, payment applications & accounts

    Project Management

    The provision of project management to ensure your project is built on programme and to the right quality

    Risk Assesment

    Identification and assessment of risks on your developments with mitigation measures to implement

    Development Manager

    Remove the developer and contractor interface by managing your development from start to completion.

    Dispute Resolution

    Management of contractor and subcontractor disputes with an emphasis on avoidance

    Want to get to know us a little better?